Charts Desktop App/Cloud crashes when deleting flights


Just wanted to add my voice to this, I’ve been experiencing crashes within the desktop app for some time now whenever I delete a flight plan. The program also crashes whenever I delete a custom waypoint. To answer @Ian 's question, as far as I can see, the web-based version doesn’t suffer from this issue.

I have also tried on the iOS Charts app (iPhone and iPad versions), and both experience the same ‘error message’ whenever deleting a flight plan as described in some other messages above. To eliminate my WiFi as a cause, I tried doing this on both my broadband internet and a 4G connection. Both means of connection resulted in the same outcome.

Not sure how else I can help you guys on the Navigraph team to troubleshoot this, but I am happy to run any sort of tests on my end that you might come up with to help identify a possible cause.

Can I also say it was lovely to catch up with several of you again in Vegas in June. Looking forward to seeing you in Providence next year.