Change to fuel planning/values?

Hi there!
With the recent new version that added Performance & Tools, Simbrief suddenly started calculating about 50% more fuel for each flight compared to the previous version. Is there a new process or change in default values? I can’t figure out why or where it’s doing that.


It’s unlikely. Do you have an old briefing PDF that could be used for comparison?



I just came here with a similar concern. Doing LIM - LAS and while the OFP has me arriving with under 20 MT my PROGRESS page has me arriving with almost 48. I have done several long flights recently and notice there’s way too much fuel on arrival. I’m using P3Dv5’s latest version, ActiveSky, and the PMDG 747-400 QOTSII. I’ll hold on to all my stuff if you’ll let me know where to send it.


Hi, your recent flights using your N477MC airframe are using a fuel factor of P27 (+27%). Is this intentional? The PMDG 747 should not require such a high factor, it should be much closer to P00. Your N263SG airframe is using P04 for instance.

Nothing should have changed with the new update. I’ve double-checked your recent flight plans and the fuel loads and cruise burns look reasonable for the B739.

Is the 50% increase you’re citing based on an old OFP you have, or is it just a general feeling? If you have an old OFP that you can upload or send me as a comparison I can check into it further.

Best regards,

Ah, that explains it. It should be 2.7 and not 27. I’ll edit it and change it to P03 on my next flight with it.
I am a Captain in the 747 with Atlas Air and built those profiles I have saved from the real aircraft’s actual data.
Thanks for following up!


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Thanks for taking a peek! I will investigate further, perhaps I fat-fingered something in the FMC and/or our VA ACARS.