Cart for Selected Approach Missing

As you can see in the screenshot, the RNAV Z Runway 15 approach has been selected into KASE, and is included in the flight plan at the top of the screenshot, but does not appear in the chart list at the bottom of the screenshot. Why is the chart not listed there – what do I need to do different?

Hi there! Thanks for posting.

Which chart would you expect to show up? As far as I can see, there is no chart directly associated with that approach.


Kind Regards,

I guess that gets to my question. Why would Navigraph list an approach if there is no chart or the approach does not really exist? Does that approach exist? See screenshot below.

What you see is expected, I’ll try to explain!

There absolutely can be approaches that do not have dedicated, public charts. These approaches can still be shown on the map and flown, unfortunately without the help of a chart.
In some cases, special charts are issued in a non-standard way - for a particular airline only for example.

In this particular case, there are special charts that are not part of the data that we get from Jeppesen. Unfortunately, there are no plans to add these at the moment, see this thread:

I hope this clarifies the situation a bit!

Kind Regards,

Yes, it does. I had no idea there were private approaches.
Thanks Malte,

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