Allow flightplan waypoints to be deleted from map

Please add the ability to delete a waypoint from the loaded route when clicking it in the map. Either by adding a button on the left side info panel that shows add to route and user waypoint buttons, or with a dialogue box pop up on the map.

Optionally, in the top route bar, please snap to and highlight the current selected point so that it’s easy to quickly find the selected point and remove it.

This would be extremely handy when using Charts as a flight planning tool to avoid having to go hunt-and-peck for the relevant point in a long route, especially when it’s a coordinate amongst many coordinates.


Hi! I think something like this could be great, just wanted to share a workaround in the meantime!

If you are using the web or desktop app, simply press and hold on any of the points in your route (on the map). You will enter “drag-and-drop” mode, and if you drag the waypoint on top of one of the others in the route, it should disappear!

I hope that helps slightly at least!

Kind Regards,

Indeed it does, a good substitute for now. Thanks!

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