Jining Qufu Airport is a midsized airport in Shandong, China. The airport is located at latitude 35.29286 and longitude 116.34689. The airport has one runway: 9/27. The ICAO airport code of this field is ZLJN. The airport’s IATA code is JNG. Nearby other airfields are Heze Mudan Airport, Xuzhou Yangmiao Agricultural Airport, Jinan Pingyin General Airport, Shangqiu Air Base and Chiu Li Shan Airport.
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Can you provide a link to any relevant real-world AIP that includes this airport? Our dataset comes from Jeppesen, and they rely on real-world aviation authorities in each country to include the airport in their official datasets. If an airport can’t be found, chances are that it is private, or for other reasons not registered by the authorities.