Aircraft Request: Cessna 152

It would be great to add the Cessna 152, as this is the simplest aircraft included in the MSFS base game. I’ve spent a couple of hours trying to figure out a work-around, and it’s a little overwhelming having to figure out how to create a new, custom aircraft, on top of all the rest of the flight planning as an absolute beginner.

Thanks for all you do!


Here’s my attempt to create a custom profile. Maybe someone else will find this useful.


Hello, I was also looking for this and used your profile, thank you!

At this time, there is still no original Simbrief Airframe for the Cessna 152… one of the reasons why I have not bought the Navigraph subscription

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Hello, I struggled with trying to create the 152 profile. I will try yours. Ty for taking the time to make it.

Have a great day


I created this one using the POH for the Cessna 152 and some Google searches for info I could not find in the POH.