Ability to have multiple instances of the same app on iPad

It’ll be nice to be able to open 2 or more instances of the navigraph app on the iPad so that I could for example have one instance showing me moving map and the other instance showing me the charts in the Split View, and possibly the simbrief flight plan in the slide over
Or a way to have multiple views in the app, but I think it’ll be easier to allow having multiple instances of the app.


For large tablets, the function would be good if you could open Navigraph in split view to be able to use a notebook or a PDF program on the other side at the same time. This function is not possible with the current version.
An example below:

Hello @Pinchano ! I moved your post here since it is a duplicate.

Feel free to vote for this topic to increase awareness!

Kind Regards,

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Thank you. It works. Many thanks for implementing the function

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You’re welcome! Indeed this feature was included in 8.35.0!


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Thank you so much for this feature :pray:

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This was incorrectly announced as implemented, sorry about that. The feature introduced in 8.35.0 only covers split-view and slide-over!

Sorry about this. The topic is now unlocked and able to receive votes again!

Kind Regards,

Much appreciated, and looking forward to this being implemented!
Say, it would me a lot more straightforward for iPadOS compared to windows 11 no?

Unfortunately not! It does not seem straightforward at all.
In the meantime, you can use the app along with a browser with charts.navigraph.com opened!

Kind Regards,

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I shall patiently wait then!
All the best luck to your team
