Suggestion: flight folder

Hi all,

I’d like to post a suggestion here, making the app (in my humble opinion) even more useful!
Would it be possible to create something like a ‘flight folder’ in which you can store documents related to a flight, such as an OFP? I now have to keep switching between the Navigraph app and the default iOS Files app or use them side-by-side, but that doesn’t always help with readability.

I’ve seen this feature in other apps I use IRL, thought it can be useful for simming too!


With the release of the new magnifcient charts app, adding a simbrief tab to the charts app would be fantastic. On the left bar were we have “search; flights; airports; pinboard; user waypoints”, could we add a tab “OFP” where the simbrief OFP would populate?

With this addition I would be able to spend the whole flight without leaving the app!


Please add this as a new topic in Wishlist
