How do I reset the Show Ownship Trail? If i decide to respawn across the globe, it shows a very long line representing my Ownship Trail. It makes for a LONG historical trail.
I have even experienced that the Show Ownship Trail history from the previous day. Am I missing something?
This is currently a limitation of this feature. It cannot “magically” determine when to break up your route, the only way it can split the route up is if you disconnect Simlink for 2 minutes.
We do want to improve this in the future. At the very least, we should be able to separate the route when you spawn on the other side of the world! Sorry for the inconvenience.
I thank you so much for your reply. It helped much to understand why I was having problems. The fact that you shared that I needed to disconnect Sinlink for 2 minutes was everything for me. I unknowingly had Simlink connected at all times even when I wasn’t flying. Now I’ve made certain that Simlink is disconnected made ALL of the difference. Thank you again!