Please only post one request per topic, as mentioned in the category description and in the template that you removed before posting this topic.
We state this for a reason. This part of the forum is meant to be a place where our users can show us what they are most interested in by voting for their favorite topics - that is not possible when you include lots of different requests in one single topic like this.
Adding and removing waypoints is already possible. For the DCT to feature, perhaps you would like to add to this topic:
Please see this topic:
If you feel strongly about this, open a dedicated topic. Please include more details - what is “local” time? Is it where you are currently at, or at the destination? How is this useful to you? Etc.
This value is currently reported in this exact format. If you see something wrong with it, please post that in a separate topic, not in the wishlist.
Here’s an example of what it looks like today:
We currently provide indicators in the UI as to which runways are appropriate based on wind and, if available, ATIS:
If you want something else in addition to this, please create a separate, dedicated topic with a good motivation!
Feel free to create a separate, dedicated topic for this issue. If possible, please give us a reference to where such data would be available - it is my understanding that this information changes as airlines come and go! I personally don’t know of any central location for this information.
Again, feel free to create a separate topic for this. It is very unlikely to happen, no airlines would willingly provide this information, and definitely not for free.
I am not sure I understand this one. Do you mean how your route is displayed? The route is currently color-coded to visualize the different segments of your flight, and allowing customization of those colors is unlikely to happen unless there is a great demand for it.
As usual - feel free to create a separate topic dedicated to this feature.
I hope this answers a couple of your questions! Feel free to turn some of these bullets into dedicated topics, as mentioned.