Mobile push notification upon reaching waypoint


I was wondering if you guys were thinking / had thought of a possible system for mobile push notifications upon reaching a waypoint?

This would be really handy for people who who want to fly longer flights but that need / want to step out of the cockpit. I love being able to check where I am on my phone as it is but being pinged at the waypoint before T/D would alieviate another bit of “I’ve overflown my destination” anxiety

Many thanks for all your hard work this far!!

Hello! Welcome back to our forum!

No, this has not been on any of our roadmaps so far. I have moved your topic to the wishlist, where we use a voting system to gauge user interest in feature requests!

Feel free to vote for this one yourself! If I were you, I would edit my post to include a good motivation for why this feature would be good to have.

Kind Regards,

Thanks Malte, Will do!