Max landing weight calculated by Simbrief

I do not understand how Simbrief calculates the Max TOW in my flight plan A321 Leap LR 3ACT (I have the same problem for other A321 types)

it says MAX TOW 84.5T


            EST      MAX     ACTUAL

PAX 220 …

CARGO 1.0 …

PAYLOAD 23.0 …

ZFW 72.6 75.6 …

FUEL 9.5 12.2 … POSS EXTRA 2.6

TOW 81.8 84.5 LDG…


LAW 76.6 79.2 …
But according to the Simbrief Airframe for that plane the MAX TOW should be 97 T which corresponds to the Toliss aircraft manual

why is the Simbrief OFP limiting so much the load and fuel capacity? minus 12.5 T !!
it reduces the max fuel to 12.2 T instead of 25.8 T ?
thanks for help

I believe I have found my answer thanks to Simbrief interactive OFP

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