Map Label Readability Improvements

I love the maps y’all have put together but sometimes I have difficulty reading the labels for airspaces and other items. I feel that for airspaces in particular, reversing the text halo and the font color would go a long way towards improving this. Foreflight does this really well; for airspaces there the text is a nice bold white font, with the halo the same color as the airspace the text pertains to. This really makes the labeling pop and easy to make out without having to zoom in for a detailed look, and I believe it would work equally well on the day or night maps.

Hopefully this makes sense, and I’m happy to provide screengrab examples or what I mean if needed. Appreciate your time and consideration, keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

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Yes, I would love to see this! Especially with the VFR map because it is more important to see in which airspace you are.

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