first of all - “disable the Navigraph database” in LNM because this will not be used for the MSFS and it´s useless in this case (two differ datasets which different information):
Then “re-load the scenery files” from the MSFS (you must do this after every cycle/revision change because only via this function LNM can shown all values correctly from the MSFS files):
Even though this solved the issue of the ILS distances being shown in LNM, I am still finding that none of the aircraft I am trying in MSFS are able to detect these ILS’s with extended ranges beyond 28 nm. Is there some sort of hard code built into MSFS aircraft that won’t allow for them to detect an ILS at a longer range, irrespective of what its supposed set range might be?
Aircraft I have tried include FBW A320, Default A320 and Asobo C172 G1000.
(ILSs tried are 9R and 10R KORD)
Good question, I don´t really know … but when this is really hard coded, why can you set this ranges than? That wouldn´t make any sense … but how knows, the world of “logic” is endless. No, honestly I don´t know if this is hard coded in the sim or not. When, then it´s a bug because the values are there and also set (as you see now).