Hello! This is a late response, but I wanted to clarify things so that this topic can also be referred to from other places.
Boeing plugins
WT has decided not to support plugins in the 748 and 787. This means that it is improbable but not impossible that we will support these aircraft with a charts integration in the future, as doing so would require us to do modifications to simulator files, which has the potential to break things. This situation is the same in both MSFS2020 and 2024 at the moment.
CJ4 Plugin
This situation is a bit different. There is plugin support for the Proline 21 avionics by WT! However, to make this plugin work, we would need the “Charts” button to be enabled in the cockpit. We were told that an update to MSFS2020 would enable this button before they moved development to 2024, but the last time I checked, this was never done. This means that we can’t integrate well into the MSFS2020 version.
The situation is different for MSFS2024! Here, the Charts button has been enabled, and the requirements for us to consider developing a plugin are met.
In conclusion: This topic is way to broad for us to reason about. It asks for three different plugins, all with different implications and entirely separate development efforts. Therefore, I would appreciate if we could split them up into separate topics.
There are new, dedicated wishlist topics for both the 787 and CJ4:
I appreciate the tone in your original post a lot more than what is shown in the other topics, though. Thanks for that!
We will look into organizing this, and I’ll get back to you!
Kind Regards,