I purchased the FlightFX HondaJet on the MSFS Marketplace. I have been trying to get my charts to display on the Honda’s virtual screen without success. I have attempted to link the two using FMS Data Manager but the Honda is not in the drop down listing. I would be willing to manually add it to the list but there are no instructions on how to accomplish that. I was advised to go to the NavData Center as it is an add-on, however, it does not show as being an add-on and there appears to be no way for me to install it as one.
For clarity, I do have both the map and the charts available via the ‘In Game Panel’ but not within the virtual panel. Also, even though I am logged-in on my Navigraph account, I get an indication that Navigraph is not available on the Honda control panel screen. The fact that the ‘push button to link’ button does not activate the browser screen may be partially at fault, but if I am logged-in to my account, I should be able to link Navigraph to the Honda, in my mind at least.
I would appreciate any help in resolving my getting Navigraph and the Honda virtual screen to function together. Thank you.
I’m sorry to read that you are having linking issues using the browser. Could you please try to enter the URL displayed on your touchscreen controller into your browser again? You shall be presented with a sign-in page as seen on this print screen.
You will be asked to enter a code. The URL displayed on your touchscreen controller in the HJet ends with “user_code=” followed by a code. This is the code you want to enter.
Follow the linking process as stated in the guide by FlightFX posted by Stephen above.
Thank you for you attention to my problem linking my Navigraph account to the FlightFX HondaJet. And, thank you for the explanation that FMS Data Manager is not used for MSFS at all. I have resolved the issue. The second pressing of the LINK ACCOUNT button resolved the problem. Sorry for taking up your valuable time. Yes, before it is even suggested, I do have an eye doctor appointment coming up this month.
Hi just had great help from aggodholm at Navigraph
Email below.
Hi there.
I’m sorry to read that you are having linking issues using the browser. Could you please try to enter the URL displayed on your touchscreen controller into your browser again? You shall be presented with a sign-in page as seen on this print screen.
You will be asked to enter a code. The URL displayed on your touchscreen controller in the HJet ends with “user_code=” followed by a code. This is the code you want to enter.
Follow the linking process as stated in the guide by FlightFX posted by Stephen above.