Callsign on easy access location

Hi, I’m sorry if not in correct section, but can we have a possibility to have the call sign located on a better location? For now, I edit the route to show the call sign but will be better if Navigraph update the code to show in a better location the call sign you are flying that day, see attached pic as a reference where I think is correct.


hi, there is not chance to get this request been workout or else?

Hi there! Thank you for the feedback.

I will move your topic to the wishlist - that way other users can show their interest in this feature!

Kind Regards,

so this mean only if you get enough votes will be considered?

No. We have a lot of feature requests and are already working on lots of other things. We consider all requests, but we can’t do it all at once!

Getting more votes will simply ensure that this gets prioritized higher!

Kind Regards,

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