Aircraft Request: Piper PA-24 Comanche 250

With the release of A2A Simulations highly detailed and simulated Comanche, a SimBrief profile for this aircraft would be great.


Bumping this request please.


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How to bump your request?

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Hi @GuidoV

Welcome to these forums…

‘Bumping’ in the context of the forum post is a way of saying, keep this request alive or to put it another way, it is saying that I also support this request.

It’s a turn of phrase only.

Hope that makes sense.


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Thanks a lot!

Kind regards Guido

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Yes! It would be absolutely fantastic!

Please I need the profile of the PA24

Yes! Please add an official airframe for the PA-24-250 Piper Comanche 250 - now that A2A has this baby out, it’s the king of GA aircraft and it’s a no brainer to have it as an available airframe.

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+1 from me - Navigraph/SimBrief team, please add a profile for the A2A Comanche, thank you

Hi, the Piper Comanche (PA24) has been added now.

Best regards,


Thankyou so much for adding the Comanche!

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Yay that’s wonderful news! Thanks!!

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Thank you!

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Thank you for turning this around so quickly :slight_smile:

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