Missing files after installation Navigraph


I bought today, and installed AIRACS files in the custom data X_Plane11.

Is it normal to have only one CIFP folder, with files in it?

Some gamer friends have 3 AIRACS folders, with files, in their custom data:

  • CIFP
  • Navdata
  • PROC

If I am missing any files, please explain how to install them.

Looking forward to your reply

first of all welcome and thank you for your report.

No, it´s absolutely normal an it looks correct when you have only one CIFP folder for XP11 (v11.50+).

Here how this should look from my system:

Possible you miss the guid.index file and the cycle.* files but you should have all other ones in this folder + the CIFP folder which contains the terminal-procedure files.

Here directly from the X-Plane dev side:

When you have all these files, you are good :wink:



I have exactly all the files in my Custom Scenery.
So it’s perfect.

Thank you for your quick answer.

Jean Talon

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