Interrupted approach

See screenshot:
Error in the program or what am I doing wrong?

This is deliberate and requires you to vector yourself to the next waypoint using heading or direct to.

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Why is this deliberate? When I select other routes, it is usually displayed correctly.

In LittleNavMap the procedure is displayed consistently. Why not in Navigraph?

It allows ATC to control traffic depending on how many arrivals they are dealing with. Bear in mind approaches are not always flown in full.

For example if it was quiet, ATC might vector me from BL439 directly to SOTIL.

If it was busier they may make me fly the approach all the way to BL427 before vectoring me to SOTIL to provide increased separation.

It also allows aircraft approaching from the south to use the RUL2L transition and ATC to vector them in at the same time.

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Does this mean that it is not possible to fly the route fully automatically on autopilot?
I have tried it out: The aircraft simply continues straight ahead and does not head for the next waypoint specified in the flight plan (=180° turn), although this waypoint is displayed in red on the avionics as the next waypoint.

IRL yes, if by ‘fully automatically’ you mean you do not need to interact with any of the controls.

IRL, you would select heading before you reach the last waypoint, or whichever waypoint ATC vectored you from, making sure the heading was following your track beforehand and vector yourself using heading mode to make a right turn towards SOTEL. Once the turn has started you would likely set direct to SOTEL to go back into NAV mode.

In the SIM you could simply delete everything after BL439 and delete any discontinuety, which would then allow you to fly the approach ‘fully automatically’ but this would be unrealistic.

Alternatively, you could enter a user waypoint into the MCDU using GPS data you can obtain from Navigraph for the autopilot to follow and delete any discontinuety to connect everything up. Which seems more trouble than just turning the heading knob IMO.

Hope this helps.

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