Charts app filter option

Good evening

I used for some time the navigraph charts app on my Android device but changed recently to an IPad.
One thing I could not find is the filter option in the charts for an airport. In the Android app and on the website I can open the charts for airport XY and within the different sections (STAR/SID etc.) I was able to filter those charts by name. Do I miss this function in the IOS app or where can I find it.
Thank you very much.

Kind regards Alex

Hi Alex,


Correct, a filter on SID/STAR isn’t on Charts iOS.
We shall consider for a future version.


Hi Ian

Yes I would really appreciate the feature in IOS as I really often used it in the Android APP and found it really useful.

Thank you for your help.
Greetings Alex

Hi Alex,

We are planning for a new Charts offering with common functionality across the different platforms. We shall try to incorporate your request when this offering is developed and released.
